Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pros and Cons of The Week

Rather than write a coherent post this week, how about a list of random pros and cons from this past week of running?

PRO - A nice 80 mile week is in the books, and I'm ready to taper for Iron Horse. I won't be in top shape for the race, but I feel confident enough where I am right now that I should be able to clock a sub-17 hour race.

CON - I turned 32 this week. How'd that happen? Regardless of how relentless the progression of my numerical age may seem, I'm grateful for my health and fitness keeping me feeling young these I guess this birthday counts as a PRO too!

PRO - I received a bit of lottery luck and got into the Bull Run 50 mile race (running as my great(x3) grandfather 'Tom Griffin'). I'm greatly looking forward to that 'battle' on April 18 in the hills of northern Virginia.

PRO - I had another great week of running in my new compression socks....

CON - ...I picked up a new "nickname" while running yesterday as a bunch of teenagers on the side of the Mt. Vernon Trail called me "Mr. Kneesocks" as I passed them. ...and I don't think they meant that as a term of endearment. Kids these days...

PRO - It was about 60 degrees out here in DC each of the last two days...after a couple windy sub-20 degree runs earlier in the week, I tip my cap to Mother Nature in thanks for this weekend.

PRO - My insanely talented running friend Jamie Donaldson won her first race of 2009 this weekend by taking the Rocky Raccoon 100 miler down in Texas. While it's pretty obvious she has a tremendous amount of talent, what makes me admire her most is her incredibly dedicated work-ethic and training regimen. ...and on top of that, she's about the nicest person you could ever meet. Congrats on another win, Jamie!

CON - I picked up some of the new GU 'Rocktane' gel this week. With a bunch of added Amino Acids and some caffeine, they claim this to be a best ultra endurance gel out there. ...and at twice the price of other gels, I hoped it would deliver on its promise. Since I didn't run anything longer than a couple 3 hour runs this weekend, I can't speak on Rocktane's benefits in longer runs just yet (I will be using it in Iron Horse, so I'll be sure to report back then), but I can definitely say one thing for sure: The Orange-Vanilla flavor tastes positively horrible. Now, I'm one who can and will eat anything no matter how bad it tastes if I know it has positive health benefits, but as a warning to anyone out there who may not be as committed to such practices - Unless you like drinking used motor oil, stay away from the 'Orange-Vanilla' flavor. As of now they do make Rocktane in 'Blueberry Pomegranate' flavor as well, so perhaps that's the one worth testing out if you're hoping for something a little more palatable.

That's all for now, here's hoping the warm weather sticks around for a few more days for everyone out there!


scooping it up said...

Congrats to your friend, though I am quite certain no human has ever been nicer than your better half. And she really is that. ;) Dang you and your 60 degree weather. Keep up the good running.

Jamie Donaldson said...

Happy Birthday Dan! I loved your post! I think there were only 2 of us with compression socks on this weekend at RR, so I feel your pain. They aren't the prettiest invention, but they get the job done! It felt so good to be out on the trails racing again!

Dan Rose said...

I actually like the retro look of the compression I prefer to see it as the rest of the world just being jealous of folks like us who wear them!

...and Staci, as for you saying Elizabeth is the nicest person in the world, well, I have to agree. The only question is, what is she doing married to a guy like me? My theory? She digs a man in compression socks. Has to be it, right?!

Amelia said...

Dear Mr. Kneesocks,

I forgot to tell you that I tried a gel for the first time at my race this past weekend. It was whatever came free with my race packet, and I thought the package said that it was a flavor-free kind, but actually it did have a tase, and that taste was disgusting. How on earth do you runner people eat so many of those?