Friday, September 12, 2008

Our Great Neighbors to the North

Rewind a few months: I was running a rough 35 miler along the Mt. Vernon Trail after a long day at work. For some reason I just couldn't find my stride as I shuffled through the first 10 miles or so. At that point a friendly guy caught up with me and we chatted for a mile or two before I stopped off to refill my water bottle and he continued on his run. Even though we only ran together for a short stretch, our brief conversation was enough to help me snap out of my funk and put a spring in my step.

Fast forward to this afternoon: Long story short, that friendly runner turned out to be Colonel Denis Dion, Defense Cooperation Attache at the Canadian Embassy. Col. Dion's kind words and support of me during my Run 192 training were inspiration enough, but a good military man always goes the extra mile, and this afternoon Elizabeth and I were honored to attend a luncheon at the Embassy as his guests. To my surprise, the unbelievably generous and kind folks at the Embassy even presented me with an official Canadian Army running singlet. I was extremely honored and humbled by all of their kind words and generosity. ...and I was so excited when I got home I had to take my new jersey out for a spin - here's me still feeling 10-feet tall after a fast 8.5 miles.

I can't thank Col. Dion, his staff, and all those in attendance at the Officers' Club lunch for such a great honor!!!

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