Sure, the weather is excellent for running in DC these days, but my lack of access to mountains during the busy work week means far too many hours must still be spent climbing the old hamster wheel indoors. The good/bad news is, we recently acquired a new treadmill that has the insane ability to ramp itself up to a 30% incline. I didn't even know anything higher than 15% was available until now....and I kinda wish I was still unaware of this fact. The reason being, if you put me on a machine that can be run at a 30% incline, I'm going to jack it right up there and run at 30%. Of course, what I realized about 60 seconds after starting my first workout on that steep of a grade is "running" is only possible for about 61 seconds. After that I'm forced to slow it down and yell out, "Let the shuffling commence!".
The good news is, I do love to suffer, so this baby is definitely filling that void in my life these days. It's all in the name of cramming in training for MMT on May 14, so I'll keep coming back for my regular 30% beatings until then. It's pretty amazing how quickly you can rack up 4,000 ft. of gain on this thing (what's less-than amazing is how quickly you want to pass out immediately thereafter)! If anyone else wants to suffer like me, here's the link to this beast on the FreeMotion website.
What kind of TM is it? . . . the one in the pic? 30% is pretty impressive!
That sounds excruciatingly awesome. Glad to hear you're well these days, Dan.
I've just added a link to the end of the post that will send you right to the manufacturers site for the model I have. May God have mercy on your souls/soles!
30% ? Wheee. May need to check out your link on that.
Wow 30%?! Even doesn't even have that available. How long did it take to get use to such incline?
It took me about 10 sessions (60 mins each) just to be able to "run" 2.5mph at 30%. I find it's much better to settle into a nice speed-hiking rhythm for any % above 25. Trying to run (at least for me) seems to waste more energy at the same mph as my speed walking technique. ...which makes for great 100 mile training, since you need to speed hike big climbs in those races anyway. As for running, I can run for real (between 5mph-6.5mph) for 60 mins uninterrupted at 15-17% and find that's a stellar workout to prep for races with big hills/climbing.
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